paperback £7.99
kindle £2.99
isbn 9781916344587
available from amazon
pages 191
The Little Book Of Broccoli (Doodles About Life Around A Rare Genetic Condition)
Annie Woods ought to have reminded herself that life has the potential to be full of twists, turns and surprises, when, in 2020, she gave up her career to focus 24/7 (literally!) on her daughter, Hannah. She began doodling illustrations in her spare time, and 'The (Little) Book of Broccoli' was born!
In it she shares some of her journey and personal experiences (some are light-hearted, some are good, and some not so much).
It is an authentic and powerful glimpse into how Annie’s life has been enriched by living with and loving an extra-ordinary, broccoli-loving child, who happens to have Cornelia de Lange Syndrome.
Passionate (well, slightly obsessive, really) about raising awareness of this rare genetic condition, Annie hopes this book will go some way in doing so (until she gets the time to finish The Big Book of Broccoli).
PS: Whilst this isn’t a culinary book, she does make rather an excellent broccoli and stilton soup if you’d like her recipe.
Published by Words Are Life. Do support independent publishers!
annie woods says
"I asked myself why her? Why us? Well, it’s simple. It has to happen to someone. So why not us?"
"Never say never…ever. Hannah may have challenges both now and for the rest of her life. However, there are times when she’s defied her harshest critics…the ones who speculated and literally wrote her off. No-one can predict the future."
"People sometimes say to me “I don’t know how you do it” i.e. care for a child with profound additional challenges. My answer? It’s simple: She’s my girl…and I love her."
"We life a different life than originally anticipated…and yes, it’s different…very different…but certainly not less."
"I’m so lucky to have the greatest teacher. She’s unwittingly taught me many things – including how precious life is and all about unconditional love."
"She may have a rare genetic condition – one that throws many challenges her way – however, this child has experienced things many other non-disabled people will never do in their lifetime. This girl CAN…she just needs some help to achieve things."
"Looking back at old photos reminds me that things may not have been easy. Sometimes it’s been incredibly scary and heart-breaking too. But those smiles…oh, those smiles…remind me that there has been lots and lots of fun along the way too."
"My life turned upside down when Hannah came along. However, she’s helped me see life through a different lens – a life that’s far more colourful."
"I’m so proud of her! Although ever so slightly less so when she played Mary in the school Nativity and threw baby Jesus on the floor… and also opened ALL of his presents from the three Kings #cringe"
"She certainly makes life more interesting…that’s for sure!"
"I was told she’d be non-verbal… that there was a timescale for her talking. And, oh, how wrong they were! Whilst those words have been few and far between, I have heard her voice… and IT. IS. BEAUTIFUL! "
"We vowed… even if her first word was an expletive… we would put it on a cake and celebrate like CRAZY! (it wasn’t an expletive, btw)"
"When Hannah was first diagnosed, I thought I’d never laugh again…or smile… or breathe out. I thought our lives, now so inextricably linked, were over. I was wrong. Our lives weren’t over. Not by any means!"
"For any new parents just starting out on their own journey, I’d say find your Tribe – the ones who completely ‘get’ it; the people who’ve begun their journey prior to yours. Don’t compare your poppet to any other child – we are all gloriously unique. Take one day at a time…or one hour at a time, if necessary. Get help. Breathe! Celebrate those glorious achievements."
"They say “small steps matter”. Let me tell you; in our world they aren’t small. They’re HUGE achievements that could take years and years of practice, tenacity and patience. But when they come... Oh, they are MAGNIFICENT!"
"If you’ve met one person with Cornelia de Lange syndrome, or in fact, any other genetic condition or disability… you’ve done just that – met ONE person."
"...from the moment it arrived I could not set it down... This book gave me so much insight without taking up all of the little free time I very rarely get. The doodles were the cutest simple things but so detailed at the same times. And all the words seemed like just the right words to say. I have never in my life related to something more and I HIGHLY suggest this book if you want a look at the life of a special needs mother. Especially one as rare as CDLS babies"
Heroes Come With Thick Eyebrows
"I love this book!!!! As someone who has been working with a super duper child with CDLS, this sums it up perfectly! Thank you for sharing your journey and for spreading awareness about CDLS. These children are such a gift."
A Must-Read Book
"I couldn't put it down. I went back and read it a second time an hour later. I laughed, I cried, I felt understood for the first time. Thank you for this wonderful book. Thank you for giving me hope for the future, too."
A Little Book With A Huge Impact
"This book made me laugh and cry. I read it in one sitting, but will read it again (more than once). It's warm, funny and very informative. Its simplicity really hits home with the highs and lows of parenting a child who is 'different not less'. A child who is beautiful, non-verbal and marches to the beat of a different drum. It will make you laugh and cry. It should be compulsory reading for all medics and health professionals. And probably for all the rest of us. I can't wait for the big book of broccoli."
Pure Brilliance
"Ever wanted to have insight into what life can be like with a child with a rare disease and complex needs? Then this is for you. A book of doodles that explains the highs and lows of such a life. Completely true and honest and will make you think about how fortunate those of us are with children that are able and healthy. We moan about mess and hearing 'MUM' continuously, but imagine never hearing it as your child grows. Mummy Broccoli, Annie, has done an amazing job with this book. Can't wait for the next."
Great Read. A Must-Read For All!
Great insight into the life of a mummy caring for her daughter with a rare genetic condition. The ups and downs and the doodles are written in a way that you can understand and even relate to some parts of the book whether you have a child or a SEN child or not. I have had the privilege to enjoy some summer fun and respite weekends (unfortunately a long while ago) with 'the floret' and I can honestly say it was some of the best times of my life. So I most definitely want a job in Annie's respite centre... when that happens! I think this book is a must read for all who work in care with any special needs child. As it will give you a greater insight to what parents face everyday. Looking forward to the next book!!"
The Book Both Got Me And Was Me. Beautiful
"Beautiful, inspiring... a true glimpse into our lives. A must read and not just for parents of children with additional needs, but all parents and grandparents. A useful guide for all teachers/medical staff too. Good to have in your handbag for when you need a pick me up, after being kicked (physically and metaphorically) by your beloved child or by those who should be fighting with you and not against you. Although if you're like me, maybe best to put it in a ziplock bag inside your bag, due to all the fluff, decapitated toys and maybe a floret or two. I had an invested interest as my boy has CdLS so similarities in our journey, although he's more of a corn on the cob (not rhyming slang) than a broccoli floret. So proud of Annie and family, and to be part of the CdLS family."
What A Little Gem!
"The last 10 months of my life beautifully summed up in this little gem of a book. There were many tears reading this book, some from laughter, and a few from sadness. This book spoke to my soul, it truly captures the life of a SEND mum and how lonely it can be surrounded by parents of typical children. Annie has shown how beautiful it can be to raise someone who is wonderfully different and perfect in their own way. Now all I need to do is perfect my death stare!"
Witty And Wise. A Must-Read For Parents Everywhere
"...who's lives took a turn they weren't expecting. A wonderful, thought provoking, humorous and emotional tale of the ups and downs of life as a special parent. Beautifully descriptive illustrations and heartwarming musings mixed with hilarious episodes and some very sage advice. Watch out though, there's the odd page or two where the lovely drawings aren't enough to stop the tears!"
Perfectly Summed Up Life With A Special Kid
"...through words and illustrations. I started reading and couldn't put it down until I finished (thank god it wasn't too long or nobody would have got fed). I laughed, I cried, and I laughed again. I could relate completely to pretty much everything. So simply written and illustrated but providing SOOOOO much context - just amazing. Sometimes the big words and the medical jargon is exhausting, but reading this will give people an understanding of life with a special kid without hurting their brains! Highly recommended!!"
Buy It
"An absolutely brilliant book full of LIFE - made me laugh, brought a tear to my eye, but most of all it reminded me that as a SEN/D mum I am NOT on my own, well worth the read to either a) remind about inclusion b) start the journey of inclusion c) say phew it's not just me. Thanks Mummy Broccoli."
"A brilliant book I loved it could not put down. My lunch went cold as I was devouring this. This should be a must read for teachers, social workers, doctors and nurses, and for all carers. This should be on paediatric wards for all to read and hospital libraries, not just those who have children with CdLS as it applies to all children. My grandson has CdLS so can relate."
Excellent, Inspiring Book
"Such a perfect summary of the journey of CdLS as a rare syndrome and navigating motherhood advocating for a child with a rare syndrome. So handy to pick up and turn to a page and remind myself of the journey so far."
A Little Piece Of Perfection
"I love everything about this book. It describes beautifully the challenges and wins of raising a child who treads a different path to the majority. It is honest, unflinching and deeply funny. Buy the book and follow the blog, you'll be awfully glad that you did."
A Lovely Little Book
"This book is such a simple yet profound way of showing one family's journey of life with a child with special needs and perfectly illustrates (literally) the ups and downs that come with that journey. It is so easy to read all in one go or can be used just to dip in and out."
Couldn't Put This Book Down
"Couldn't put the journey into parenting a little one with additional needs better myself. Beautifully written. great illustrations and could not put this book down!!! I wish I could give it more stars :-) thank you Annie."
Inspirational Stuff
"Amazing little book, I haven't not ever will have a child with a rare medical condition (I'm too old) but this gives a rare and uplifting account of the struggles faced by mothers, even if you don't have a child with a rare condition, give it a read. It may make you think differently next time you meet one. The author's sense of humour shines through amazingly, what an inspiration."
Thank You So Much For Putting This Book Out
"So thankful that Amazon sent it to me in just a day in Japan. I'm right in the starting step of knowing what my baby girl and our family's journey will be like. I'm in lack of information, maybe a lot families are here in Japan... so your notes of where to find accurate information was also very helpful. I loved your book and couldn't put it down till I got to the last page! Thank you!"
"Such an easy read. Would highly recommend this book to anyone! Very witty and fantastic doodles."
Fantastic Book
"Emotional and uplifting."