This book is volume 3 in an ongoing series of short stories, perfect for reading at bedtime, tea breaks, or while travelling and commuting.
Inside you’ll find intriguing tales of revenge, of compassion, and of humour.
- Sticks and balls and sleep acrobatics.
- Bus station anxiety.
- Sci-fi dystopia.
- Family - remembrance, joy and despair.
- First kiss, wedding massacre and the lure of the hangman's noose.
- Inspiration, foraging, and ice cream Sundays.
- Impossible work, evolution and the urban unicorn.
- A mourning dog.
- Music in the basement, but no music for a month.
- Nervous breakdown, procrastination and ensnaring of prey.
- Ranting, reincarnation and rolling the dice.
- Decisions and deception.
- Revenge and stranger than truth.
- Requited love and walking boots.
- And so much more.
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Available on Smashwords and Amazon.
Can't Sleep, Won't Sleep, Volume 3: Grownup Stories for Bedtimes
SKU: cantsleepwontsleep3