Brilliant Short Reads
This book is volume 8 in an ongoing series of short stories, perfect for reading while travelling and commuting. Inside you’ll find intriguing tales of revenge, of enlightenment, compassion and humour.
Volume 8 of Can’t Sleep, Won’t Sleep features quite a bit of verse and a few 100-word stories. There's even a bit of non-fiction about hoarding and the standard short, sweet stories you've come to know and love.
There’s so much to this little book, so if you struggle to find a novel that relaxes you at bedtime, try this short story anthology instead. A truly brilliant and relaxing short read!
Published by Words Are Life. Do support independent publishers!
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Books by this Author
- Bigheart
- Conflict Management: Novelettes for Discerning Readers (Collection of No Matter What, Walking with Eve, Divine Intervention and Changes)
- Crash Test Dummy
- Feet On the Table: An Enormous Book of Tiny Stories
- Life’s a Mess… and Then You Die: Hoarding, Writing and Lost Family
- Melissa And the Mobility Scooter: And Other Bedtime Stories
- The Waggon
- Can't Sleep, Won't Sleep, short story series.