paperback £5.99
kindle £1.77
isbn 978-1-7391120-3-5
available from amazon and smashwords
pages 188
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Brilliant Short Reads
This book is volume 2 in an ongoing series of short stories, perfect for reading at bedtime or while travelling and commuting.
Inside you’ll find intriguing tales of revenge, of compassion, and of humour.
A 30 year hiatus.
Strange goings on in Lancashire moorland towns.
Pensioner Felicity's final adventure.
Manipulation, control and abuse.
Buttons, inept cooking and discovery of cave people.
City fears and cyber clouds discovering the past.
Cross-dressing, puppets and life opportunities.
Depression, mental illness, musicianship and drinking.
Weird towns and weirder people.
Post-apocalyptic life underground.
And so much more.
Published by Words Are Life. Do support independent publishers!
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Books by this Author
Conflict Management: Novelettes For Discerning Readers (Collection of No Matter What, Walking With Eve, Divine Intervention and Changes)
Life’s a Mess… and Then You Die: Hoarding, Writing and Lost Family
Can't Sleep, Won't Sleep, short story series.