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'Past Present Tense' (Life's a Mess) - Brilliant Review Comments

Comments from a reader of 'Past Present Tense' (now known as Life's a Mess... and Then You Die!

"Good pace. Takes its time to reflect in intriguing fashion."

"May not suit readers of the 'Wham Bam' genres. Will suit readers wanting more depth and more 3D characterisation. A lot of interior verbalisation and feeling."

"Motifs ; Sartrean existential angst. No way to anticipate direction of story because of unpredictability of players."

"Fear, insecurity. anxiety. loneliness v aloneness. strong but vulnerable characters causing conflict within and outwardly."

"House belonging to Edward, another 'character' in its own right, reflects mental turmoil and needs at the time. For father it is an anchor to a wavering reality. It is a symbolic order (in a Kristevian sense ) but a symbolic disorder. Abject. Revolt. Chaotic thoughts and action or non-action."

"Search by all characters for Home or sanctuary. For the villian, Craig, his is violent efforts to control or he is lost at sea."

"Action is woven into interior monologues. In the case of Craig it is difficult to detect any residual charm that had first won Natalie but his violence paradoxically shows weakness."

"Concept of Home = Concept of identity. Gregarious human need v Need for individual creativity and protection of one's integrity."

"Finally there is an acceptance and value of valuable pluralist connections, choices and ideas."

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